Take control of the advanced factory of tomorrow's most vital function thanks to the
"Keep Humans in the Loop Job Protection act" of 2030 ensures that AI robots don't take over the world and keeps humans 'in the loop' by ensuring the 'what connects to what rotational director belt' needs constant human supervision.


Please connect all components to their required destinations marked by the yellow-taped boxes. Each marked by a corresponding filter gate that matches the item that should enter the location.

Simply Click on the yellow directional markers of the 'WCWRDB' to change their rotation by an exact 180 degrees in order to connect the components to their indicated destination! 

If an incorrect item enters one of our masterfully engineered 'filter gates', it will immediately be incinerated and its ashes will be repurposed into new components. Please don't ask us how this works, it is top secret information.

Once all slots in every target location has been filled with the correct components, we will move you over to the next factory to do it connect our 'vital' components all over again.

Game Jam Challenge Tasks:

Mouse click only? 

No Text?

Single Asset Pack?


Due to a 1 letter typo level 3+ will not load.  See the install instructions for a workaround.


ClickFactory.zip 25 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the archive and run ShapeShifter.exe
Note: A bug will cause the game to stick at the end of level 2 - to fix it you can do the following before playing.

Open ShapeShifter_Data/level1 in a hex capable editor (e.g. sublime) and search for:
4c61 7665 6c20 and replace it with 4c65 7665 6c20

Save and then run ShapeShifter.exe and the game will run properly.


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Cool Idea, I could not finish the 3rd level buuut it is a super cool concept